Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Reaching the US - Canadian Border

Our last night in Canada, we camped out in the parking lot of a casino.  We arrived just before the kitchen closed and had a wonderful dinner!!  This was where we parted ways with our friends, Alyce and John and their dog, Maggie.  They were heading off for a visit with friends and we were planning to spend the night at my brother, Rollie's house again.

Our last night in Canada

There's no doubt that Canada is one beautiful country!!!

Entering the border town of Hope.

Crossing into the United States - home again!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Continuing south through Dawson Creek

As we drove south, we came to Dawson Creek, where the Alaska Highway Sign appears.  For those who come through from the south, this is the beginning of their drive on the Alaska Highway.  For us, this marked the end of our trip on the long Alaska Highway.  
As we drove on, we passed through the town of Chetwynd, where we discovered a collection of wood carvings that were fascinating. 

Another beautiful mural!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Heading south from Liard Hotsprings

As much as we all hated to admit it, it was time to start seriously heading south toward home.  We still had about a week,  but we had seen the last of Alaska...at least for this trip.

 The Canadian vistas are amazing!!!

As we rounded the bend, we almost hit a couple of rock sheep that were enjoying the sunny day!

We glanced off to the side of the road and saw a caribou running along!

It's really hard to get a grasp on the huge expanse of country everywhere you go!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Camp at Liard Hotsprings

We had been dreaming of our visit to Liard HotSprings!!!  As soon as we had set up camp, we took off to take a look at them.  Alyce was taking a short cut.  Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I don't have any photos of us actually in the hot springs.  That said, we re-visited 3 times during our short stay there.  It was soooooo relaxing!!!

Here I am in camp after a visit to the Hot Springs.  Could I be more relaxed? - Notice the drink in my hand and the look on my face.  :-)

A very popular game in Alaska - Mosquito Tennis.  We found the mosquito racquet to be invaluable during our trip!
 Tony was a study in concentration....

...however, John wins for overall form!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Watson Lake to Liard Hotsprings!

On the road to Liard Hot Springs, we saw herds of buffalo!

Tony also spotted a bear peeking out of the woods!

We saw another herd of Buffalo. This one was up close and personal!

A beautiful scene as we approach our destination!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Whitehorse to Watson Lake

Views along the road to Watson Lake

Our campsite was completely surrounded by a wonderful, green forest!

The lake beside our campground

The world famous "Sign Post Forest" where people come from all over the world and put up signs pointing to their home.

We attended an interesting film showing the Northern Lights

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Whitehorse, Yukon Territory

Interesting road sign! We realized we had really seen Alaska....

Beautiful Whitehorse!

We had a good Chinese dinner at this restaurant!

Cute couple!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tok, Alaska to Dawson City, Yukon Territory

We left Tok, Alaska ready to tackle the trip to Chicken and the "Top of the World" route that has a reputation for being really rough, with long stretches of gravel roads. There was very little traffic and the area looked desolate. Much of the first half of the route had been devastated by fire a few years ago. We were happy to see the sign for the town of Chicken!

Chicken is an old mining town. There's not a lot there. We did find this huge chicken!

There are a few buildings with a campground and miners still work in the area. We was a few of them working the rivers as we drove through.

We happened upon a moose, who posed nicely for a photo!

A view of the long road winding through the mountains

Here are John and Alyce in their rig, coming round the mountain!

We found a herd of Caribou along the way

View from the "Top of the World"...Amazing!!

Old log cabin beside the road

It was really windy at this rest area!

We had a border checkpoint at the entrance to the Yukon!

Here we are...stopped for lunch!

Tony found these cairns when he climbed to the top of the hill that someone had stacked.

We spotted another herd of caribou where we'd stopped

We finally reached Dawson City.

All we had to do was cross this rushing river in a very small ferry!

Izzie enjoyed looking out of the window during the ferry ride across the river!

John, Alyce and Maggie had to take the next ferry so we were able to get a picture!

Dawson City is filled with history...and lots of old buildings. Many appear to be falling apart.

This is half of Jack London's cabin

This cabin once belonged to Robert W Service

A cemetary in town

The Canadian Bank of Commerce, described above.