Thursday, June 30, 2011

We're on our way!!!

Early morning day one was beautiful and sunny and exciting! Our adrenaline had kicked in and we really found it hard to believe that we had actually started our trip to ALASKA!! A wake up call came with the drive through the city. Not bad by LA standards, really.

Before long though, California's central valley opened up and we tuned the Sirius radio to 60's music for the drive to Carmichael. What a beautiful day!

Our stay with Tony's brother, Jeff was wonderful, as usual. We met up with our traveling companions, Alyce and John, and were joined by Sherry and Lee for a really fun dinner at Carmelita's Mexican Restaurant! The next morning Jeff served us his world famous breakfast of omelets and toast. All in all, the best first day we could ever have imagined!! Thank you, Jeff!!

Here we are, ready to continue the journey! John with Maggie, Alyce, Me and Tony with Izzie!

We were really happy to be entering Oregon, where we planned to spend the second night!

Thanks to the folks at Walmart in Roseburg, Oregon for allowing us to stay there for the night. Here we are in the morning before leaving for Washington!

We visited Rollie and Mary in Snohomish, Washington! They welcomed us to their beautiful home with a wonderful barbecue prepared by Rollie and amazing apple pie, prepared by Mary as we shared wine and conversation.

We all went to bed satisfied and ready to wake up and cross the border in the morning!
Thank you, Rollie and Mary for an unforgettable evening!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Alaska, Here we come!!!!

We're about to embark on a new Alaskan adventure!!! After months of planning, we're set to leave in two days! Planning the trip was a joy!!! No problems at all. Just look at the pleasure on Tony's face as we work out the Alaska Ferry itinerary...

Tony, Izzie, our little chihuahua, and I will be leaving Thursday for the first leg of our trip, driving our 4-Runner and towing our little 17' Casita. Here's the rig on our recent Idaho trip:

We'll be meeting our friends, John and Alyce, and their dog, Maggie. The plan is to travel to Prince Rupert, BC for the first Ferry Trip to Ketchikan, Alaska. We'll be going from there to Wrangell, then on to Petersburg, Juneau and finally Haines. After that we'll proceed with our road trip to Whittier, Alaska and the Kenai Peninsula.

That's the plan and we'll try to keep the BLOG updated, subject to internet availability. If you're interested, check back to see our progress.