Wednesday, April 25, 2007

At last!!! The big day!! It's finally time to pick up our new Casita!!!

Last night we had a tense evening watching the news because we were again in the path of a potential tornado. We watched the news all evening, watching the television radar pictures as they drew closer and closer to Innes, Texas, where we were staying. Tony, true to form, was really excited. I was concerned. About 11:00, it looked like the worst was over and we finally got to sleep.

This morning, we woke up really early to get ready for the big day. We were at the Casita factory at 7:15 for our 7:30 appointment. Jay did a great job showing us all the features of the trailer and making sure we understood everything! Jeanne was as wonderful as she has been on the phone, since we placed our order. Finally, we were able to load up our things and take off!

What a glorious day. There were no clouds and nothing but blue skies!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I just showed Dick this photo and he said "it's like a boat except that you can park it in your driveway for free" :-) So what are you going to name her?