Saturday, July 16, 2011

Haines, Alaska to Burwash Landing, Yukon

Border Crossing to the Yukon. We had to travel the rest of the day in Canada. We love Canada but experience cell phone trouble while we're there.

A rest stop area

Welcome to the Yukon Territory

The Henze's rig

We spotted this black bear, eating along the side of the road

Shortly after, we stopped to see this brown bear, who crossed the road right in front of our car!!

Compared to the black bear, we thought he looked a little scrawny

There was so much beautiful scenery, I just couldn't decide what to post so there are lots of photos!

Haines Junction, where we stopped to fill up with gas and then stopped shortly after to make sandwiches for lunch

Beautiful Kluane Lake. We saw it for many miles.

We stopped along the lake at Burwash Landing to spend the night. Met some really nice folks there.

It was warm and sunny so we put up our umbrella and enjoyed wine in the shade.

John and Tony

By evening, Burwash Landing was packed. Many of the road workers stay in the hotel there. We recognized many of them the next day as we passed through lots of road construction zones.

1 comment:

jerryeisen said...

the brown bear looked like a young teen to me. Now why didn't the Henzes bring their kayak? I guess as you said Ter, already sensory overload, why complicate matters...
trek on dudes...
with Love