Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Panning for Gold at Crow Creek Mine!!

Another of Bob's suggestions was panning for gold at the Crow Creek Mine, located in the Chugach National Forest. The entrance to the forest was amazing!

The Crow Creek Mine dates back to 1897 and was purchased by the family who currently owns it in the mid 1960's. They have left many old relics inside and outside of the old buildings and the grounds are covered with beautiful flowers and plants throughout!.

After arriving and setting up camp, we headed for the office to get gold panning supplies...

Here's an example of the decor: Old truck - beautiful flowers!!!

Bob looks like he's seriously going to get a gold nugget!

Tony is equally confident!!

Alyce is doing her part!!
Everyone finds a spot on the river and begins the process of panning.

Tony's hard at work!!

John is working hard as Alyce looks on

Bob is working too!

Roger, who has the most experience, sets to work immediately.
I know you'll be shocked to learn that no one succeeded in obtaining a gold nugget. Fortunately it was a nice, sunny day the we got some wonderful rays by the river.

As we returned to camp, we found nice cold sodas waiting to quench our thirst after a hard day's work!

I found a squirrel with a salmon berry (I think), who was willing to pose for me!

Just a couple of samples of the beautiful flowers!

The old Cookhouse is still standing with lots of old relics to see! It's like stepping back in time.

John and Alyce on the front porch

We also stopped for a short rest on the front porch

Izzie found a new friend!

Tony in front of "Grandpa's Cabin". Seems fitting, doesn't it?

Ah, look at all the lost soles!

Tony was trying to teach Izzie to plow! I told him it wouldn't work!!

Our group, relaxing around the campfire!

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