Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hand Tram! Then, on to the Kenai Peninsula

The next morning, we were ready to leave Crow Creek Mining Camp to go and check out the hand tram on the nearby Winner Creek trail. This was another adventure we never would have known about without Bob!

Bob and Roger's Rig

John and Alyce were ready to roll

Bob is checking out the route for the Winner Creek Trail, where we'll find the hand tram. This trail also is a part of the original Iditarod Sled races.

The forest was so beautiful! It reminded me of a scene from the movie "Avatar". The leaves were enormous and brilliant green with the sun shining through the fresh morning forest!

When we got the the tram, the basket was on the other side of the river so Bob and John pulled the ropes to get it to our side.

Here it comes!

Tony and I took the first ride with Bob and John pulling the ropes. Tony started taking still photos and then I remembered my IPhone and decided to make a movie of the experience!

The basket is really high over the river!

We made it!!!

Looking back at Bob and John as they take their turn!

Bob and I celebrate our arrival!

Hand Tram-Winner Creek Trail
Girdwood, Alaska


The beautiful woods on our return hike!

Before starting the Kenai Peninsula portion of our trip, we had to make a quick trip to Whittier to pick up supplies and food that we had left on Bob's boat, the Pat-De-G. Bob, Roger and I made the trip through the Whittier Tunnel. Tony got this picture of our exit from the tunnel as we returned with the supplies.

Another beautiful day, as we drove to Seward, Alaska!

It seems, every town in Alaska has lots of murals painted on buildings! I saw this one in Seward!

We found a camping spot right on the water were we saw this cruise ship and the beautiful surrounding mountains!

Another wonderful day in Alaska!!

1 comment:

Joan Eisenhower said...

Now that was fun. Loved the commentary.